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04.14.21   |   Insights

Ohio Department of Health Issues Consolidated Health Order

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The Ohio Department of Health issued a new Director’s Order on April 5, 2021, which focuses on the importance of wearing facial coverings, but includes a few more simplified requirements. Governor Mike DeWine introduced the order by stating: “We can do anything we want to do. It’s just how we do it. That really is what we’re emphasizing today with these new, more simplified orders.” A few of the highlights are below, but the full order is here.

The order requires facial coverings at all times when 1) in any indoor location that is not a residence, 2) outdoors and unable to distance oneself at least six feet, or 3) waiting for transportation.

The order then gives 16 exceptions to the above rule. A few of these exceptions include:

  • Individuals under ten years of age
  • Those with a medical condition
  • The individual is separated by at least six feet in all directions
  • The individual is actively consuming food or beverage.
  • Facial coverings are in violation of a business’s documented safety policy or industry standards.

The order states that individuals must avoid gathering in groups and attempt to social distance. Organizers of large gatherings should conduct events in a manner that encourages social distancing. The order outlines the contact tracing procedures businesses must follow after a confirmed case, which includes notifying all who may have been exposed. Businesses shall post signage at all entrances requiring all persons to wear facial coverings.

These simplified orders should provide businesses and individuals with more certainty that they are following the requirements set by the Ohio Department of Health. Reach out to Critchfield, Critchfield & Johnston, Ltd. If you have any questions related to these new orders.

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